dnes je 11.3.2025


Otázky a procvičení k 5. lekci

11.6.2018, Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer

Otázky a procvičení k 5. lekci


Read what the CMM reporter says as he becomes quite worried about the state of trade on the stock market. I am sure you will be able to add the missing words from vocabulary in this unit :-) Some letters are given to help; some words are repeated.

„Well John, after some months when we weren't quite sure what the markets were doing, now I can say that we're firmly in a ………………… market. There's been a 20% …………………1 since February, and it's only getting started!

Let's start with the bright side shall we? If you've got shares in BiFF the oil company you'll be happy, they're reaching a five year ………………… at $ 27- fantastic price for you people who have them!

Apart from that, …………………2 generally are rocketing- platinum's up, gold's up.

Looking in more detail, ………………… commodities like
